Pakistan lifts ban on Saeed-LED JuD | The X Factor

2018-10-26 25

So lets cut the chase, no beating around the bush. In a month from now, it will be 10 years. India has raised this at every forum, even as recently as the United Nations General Assembly last month... but Pakistan has been evasive, non committal and worse has now gone back on the initial steps it had taken to bring Hafeez to book. And Pakistan stands totally completely exposed, exposed of its duplicity. As the farcical efforts that were made earlier.. of putting Hafeez in house arrest and amending the law to ban his outfits- under international pressure-and with an effor to evade action from paris based FATF have now been exposed as a total sham... as Pakistan has neither issued another ordinance nor has it passed a law to continue the ban on Hafiz's affliates. Ensuring Hafeez led jamaat ud dawa and Falah i Insaniyat are no longer banned. the question we are asking on x factor tonite how long will India stay mute spectator to Pakistan and its duplicity, what should India do which has done everything from naming and shaming a nation that glorifies terror.